At Portumna Retirement Village, a number of care options are offered in order to most appropriately meet the needs of residents. While the nursing home primarily offers long term care for the older person, options for short term care and long term care for those with other needs are also offered.
Care advisors are available to discuss the care package that will best suit the care giver and their client.
Long Term Care
At Portumna Retirement Village, residents are offered 'a home away from home'. Long stay residents choose Portumna Retirement Village for a number of reasons which include:
Social Reasons - Residents socialise on a daily basis with fellow residents and staff. The recreational therapist and her team manage a programme of daily activities which provides entertainment and helps residents to interact and form friendships.
Reputation - Portumna Retirement Village has built a reputation as one of the finest care centres in the West of Ireland. It has won national care awards and has been recognised by HIQA as providing excellent quality of care.
Portumna Retirement Village offers residents a homely, safe and pleasurable environment. The nursing home has been recognised nationally for its involvement in the local community and residents at the nursing home can choose their level of involvement within the community within the nursing home or in the community at large.
At present, the HSE Nursing Home Support Scheme (also known as the Fair Deal) is the primary financial support package available to residents that seek long term care. Portumna Retirement village has expertise available to assist and guide potential residents through the application process.
Short Term Care
At Portumna Retirement Village we offer a combination of medical holiday packages which can include staying for a couple of nights (priced on a per night basis) or a couple of weeks as required.
The short term care package has become extremely popular with families who have been caring for an older relative at home and who require a break for whatever the reason.
Respite Care
The respite care services provided at Portumna Retirement Village offer full-time home carers the opportunity to take a break from their ongoing care provision. These services are extremely beneficial to the many carers out there who need some time for themselves and their families.
Caring for a family member can be a rewarding but exhausting task and many families benefit from the break they receive through a Respite Care break at Portumna Retirement Village
The ease of availability of respite care services can increase a client's ability to continue being cared for at home by providing an alternative care solution for families which will reduce the burden and stress on carers.
At Portumna Retirement Village, nurses and management are happy to meet with carers to discuss their individual needs and to tailor a flexible care package that will best suit the client and the carer both financially and medically.
Convalescence Care
A hospital stay can be a very traumatic experience for a patient and very often, whilst the need for acute hospital care is no longer present, there can be a need for a period of convalescence to assist the patient recover.
Portumna Retirement Village is experienced in caring for the convalescing patient. From time to time, this care may be funded by the HSE (in exceptional cases) or can be part funded by the leading health insurance companies.
Portumna Retirement Village is the only nursing home in South-East Galway that is recognised by following leading health insurance companies
Voluntary Health Insurance - (VHI)
Laya Healthcare
Glo Health Insurance
St. Paul's Garda Medical Aid Society
Medical Provident Fund - (MPF)
Vanbreda International
Nursing staff at Portumna Retirement village will liaise with hospital staff to ensure continuity of care for the convalescing patient. They will also liaise locally with a physiotherapy team (www.portumnaphysio.com) to establish the needs of the patient.